This year the Euréseau Spring Meeting was held in Buenos Aires. Delegates from 8 different countries participated and the 3-day-event provided not only for deep dive professional discussions, exchange and presentations, but also for experiencing a very beautiful Buenos Aires and learning a lot about Argentina´s wine culture and cuisine. Eureseau went on its first wine tasting tour in the beautiful Mendoza valley.
Prior to the meeting in Buenos Aires most of the attending participants met on the airport of Buenos Aires to visit the valley of Mendoza. During two days trip we were tasting wines in three beautiful wineries, besides enjoying international networking in some of the most beautiful venues around. Back in Buenos Aires Thursday evening our host could get prepared for giving us a very welcome in their beautiful office on Friday night. We tasted delicious Buenos Aires sweets while exchanging our news with all of the participating members before going on a guided tour to the famous Teatro Colon.
On Saturday we started our meeting with a lecture held by Jorge Mendez Valles – CFO of TeleCentro which gave us tremendous insight in Argentina’s commerce as well as politics. The day ended with a beautiful Tango /Show dinner at the famous theatre Teatro Astor Piazzolla, a legend of tango dance. The participants had the unique possibility to receive an introductory lesson to Argentina’s tango dance.
One of the highlights has been the attendance of all the members to the presentation of the second edition of the book Advokaten 1938 by the invitation of Collégio de Abogados de Buenos Aires (the Bar of Buenos Aires) in the presence of the Austrian Ambassador in Buenos Aires on Friday early afternoon in the premises of the Bar. This event has been strongly supported by our host in Buenos Aires specifically by our colleague Maria Teresa Pedreira.
Our president Ms. Özlem Odabas Tavares thanked all the members of ESTUDIO PEDREIRA & FELIX ASOCIADOS, specifically Maria Teresa Pedreira and her team for organizing and hosting the Spring Meeting 2023 in Buenos Aires.
The Euréseau Autumn Meeting 2023 will take place on October 13 – October 15, 2023 in Antwerp, Belgium hosted by our member LAWTREE Advocaten.
The EuréseaU Autumn Meeting 2023 will take place on October 13 - October 15, 2023 in Antwerp, Belgium hosted by our member firm LAWTREE Advocaten.