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Euréseau Meeting Norway May 2014

We held the Euréseau Spring Meeting 2014 in Oslo, Norway.

The EuréseaU May 2014 meeting took place in Moss, Norway. This is a small community of about 30,000 inhabitants 60 kilometres south to Oslo. About 7,000 years ago, the first human beings were residing where today Moss inhabitants are living. Today precious drawings on rocks in caves prove these early human settlements. The name “Moss” refers most probably to the river Hobølelv. This river finally flows into the Mossesund, one of the “arms” of the Oslofjord. The name of the village “Moss” is mentioned the first time in the year 1390. Already in the 13th century, numerous mills were built. Later, in the 16th century, the shipping industry started to build ships. Already in the 16th century, Moss became a very important ship loading station and benefited from regular duty income. In the beginning of the 18th century, Moss had almost 1,000 inhabitants. During the 19th century, Moss developed to become an industrial suburb of Oslo. Today Moss houses some of the largest industrial enterprises in Norway, like M. Peterson & Søn A/S, Norway’s largest packaging company.

Thanks to the great hospitality of Halstein S. Sjolie and his team, specifically our colleague Thomas Christiansen, we enjoyed seeing this historical and very important industrial location in Norway, a perfect place for the EuréseaU May 2014 meeting.